
daddy , you rocks !

daddy is my SUPER HERO since i was born. He used to save me from " danger " , i mean my mum with the horrible terrible vegetable CANE :P but this SUPER HERO was ruined when i was in age 9 . I was canned by him with belt ( the scar is still here ) and i was kick out of the house by him . geez , yea , i did something wrong , i hit my brother :X

He is the best dad i ever seen . You know why? bcs he's still helping me to wash my school shoes ! Don't scold me please , i really hate to wash my shoes . Well, I'm really a bad daughter , i tried to wash my shoes , but it ended for only 2 weeks. My dad is a super pro, he fixes the leak water pipe, spoiled lights and etc .most of all , he knows how to cook ! But he didn't cook these years, I don't know why, I miss the food he cooked :( 

Sometimes, I'm rude and talked like a boss. Talks without using my big brain, hurts him undirectly. I believe most of you have the same feeling too, didn't really want to speak something like that, but just can't control the emotion you're having. I wanted to say sorry, but I feel it's so awkward. After say sorry and then? hugs? uh noooo, I shy man :( 

Dad always support me, no matter in academic, drum or photography. He gives me full support and proud of me. I failed my exams, he consoles me. I lose in a competition, he gives some comments or suggestions to let me improve. Most of all, he always attend performance I have, although he's busy, but he still manage to be there for me ! WHERE TO FIND SUCH DADDY LIKE THIS ? 

He tends to spend lots of time with us. For him, family is everything. He rather drive me and brother anywhere we want to go, to make sure we are safety. He would like to spend some money to bring us out for a vacation or a trip, he wouldn't want to see us stress ourselves up. 

Who the hell would do something so good for you? give you the best education, stands before you whenever it's something happened, protect you, loves you. I have one person who did that for me, yeah, he is my dad. Want to have a dad? NO WAY, I WOULDN'T GIVE YOU MINE. 


daddy , i love you <3

